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The Basics

The No Gut, No Glory Regional will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024 at Eagle Creek Golf Course at Dover Air Force Base in Dover, DE. Click here for directions.

Registration is $115 per person. Registration includes greens fees, cart and lunch.

Click here to register. After purchasing your entry you will receive a follow up email confirming your registration. In the next week or two you will also be sent a follow up request for additional information for the tournament (nicknames, T-Shirt size, etc.) and to process your base clearance.

PLEASE NOTE:  The tournament is being held at Eagle Creek Golf Course which is within the gates of Dover Air Force Base.  As such, all participants must have purchased their registration and fill out the registration survey by September 6 so that there is enough time for a background clearance.  No exceptions.


Schedule details may be tweaked, but the tournament begins with registration at 8:00am, followed by a shotgun start at 9:00am. For the full schedule click here.

If you need a FlingStick they will be available for rental from the golf course at registration.

The Tournament

With one exception, the No Guts, No Glory Regional will follow the World League FlingGolf (WLF) Official Tournament Rules of Play for the Tournament. HOWEVER,
THE REGGIE RULE WILL NOT BE IN EFFECT FOR THE TOURNAMENT. So there will be no Reggies, not even on Par
3s. PLEASE NOTE: the rules may be modified or updated up until the beginning of Tournament play. In addition to posting on this page, we will send out any updated rules to registered players as soon as they are made.

Yes. All competitors will be provided carts for the tournament.

While the event is sanctioned and governed by the WLF, as a regional event it is not eligible for WLF Points towards the 2024 WLF Season Points Championship and will not be used for purposes of WLF Rankings.

We will have a customized scorecard prior to the event but we anticipate that the men will play a mix of White and Gold Tees, the Masters will play a a mix of Gold and Red Tees and women will play a mix of Red and modified tees. Click here for the indicative scorecard.

Only New Swarm FlingGolf FlingSticks may be used, without custom modifications other than the use of a Putting Slug or customized grips.

Only one FlingStick may be used.

You may use any regulation golf ball for the tournament events.

A Nassau is a format where an 18 hole round is broken down into 3 separate sub-events, lowest front nine score, lowest back nine score and lowest 18 hole score. There will be cash prizes given out to the winners of each category.

Your individual score from the tournament will be matched up
with another participant to form a team, however, you will not know who your partner is while you are playing.  Once all rounds have been completed, your “slient partner” will be revealed and your team score will be tabulated.