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FlingGolf: A Shoutout to our Pioneer Courses and the Shark Tank Boost

June 23, 2021 3 min read

FlingGolf: A Shoutout to our Pioneer Courses and the Shark Tank Boost

As we prepared to introduce the New Swarm FlingStick and FlingGolf to the world in 2014, we knew that golf course pros, managers and owners were going to be the initial key to our success.  Their buy-in was make-or-break for whether FlingGolf was going to die on the vine or ripen to the sport that is now being played in 28 countries and well over 1200 courses.

Our initial move was to introduce FlingGolf to the National Golf Course Owners Association and their members and get their feedback. To our delight, a surprising number of courses jumped right in, ran with it and never looked back.

We want to take a moment and give a shoutout those original Pioneer Courses and the additional courses over the last several years that not only accepted an initially small tribe of FlingGolf players, but also made an investment in making FlingSticks available for new players to rent and play with.


The fact is that some of these courses have gone on to do very well with thousands of rounds of FlingGolf played every year.  However, some have struggled to get traction. Until now and our recent Shark Tank appearance.

Here's the thing: it is not easy to grow and promote an entirely new sport, especially among golf's very traditional background.  We commend the visionary owners, managers and pros that jumped in early and we are very happy that, for those that did not get initial traction, our recent Shark Tank appearance has created a ground swell of interest from their communities to play FlingGolf at their courses.

We have diligently kept a course map to show players courses that have FlingStick Rentals available, courses where FlingGolf has been played, and in our terminology, been "liberated", and those that are actively welcoming but not yet played. In addition, we have every golf course in the US and Canada on our map, showing that they are "FlingGolf Ready".  That means that they may not even know about FlingGolf yet, but because their course is ready for golf, it is automatically ready for FlingGolf.

To our growing nation of FlingGolf Players, take a moment and seek out those pioneer courses on our map that have taken the initiative to have FlingSticks available or accepted play, or expand the map and take your FlingStick and liberate your local welcoming or ready course today.  

To our pioneer courses, we cant thank you enough for taking a chance on FlingGolf. We are thrilled that our FlingGolf on Shark Tank has catapulted the alt-golf-sport into the awareness of many, many more new players to visit your courses.  It is only going to grow from here.

To courses still considering having FlingSticks available: we get requests daily from potential players asking where they can go out and try the sport.  This is a great opportunity to grow your community. Please take advantage of our Map (where players learn where to play) and our Course Owners Page which has Case Studies and videos for Success, a Marketing Kit and anything else you need to get rolling with FlingGolf and welcome players. 

We are still on the very forefront of FlingGolf reaching millions more players and thousands more courses, but we are so encouraged by and grateful for those courses that have stepped up, took a chance and are now seeing more fresh  faces asking about FlingGolf or arriving with their FlingSticks.  

Thank you for being a Pioneer!




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