There are 16,000+ golf courses in the US alone and 34,000+ in the world. Any course with a tee and a hole is FlingGolf Ready (light blue) and many of these actively welcome FlingGolfers (green). Hundreds of courses rent FlingStick® throwers (blue) and thousands of our customers have brought their own FlingSticks to a course and liberated them (yellow). Bring your FlingStick to a course and liberate it today.
You can also use the map to find an Ambassador near you.
THE FLINGGOLF GUARANTEE: When you buy a FlingStick® thrower from us we guarantee you'll be able to find a course near you where you can play. If you can't, let us know where you've tried. If we can't get you playing on one of those courses, just send your FlingStick back for a full refund. But we’re betting that’s not going to happen.
Doesn't know it, but it needs you and your FlingStick. Be a pioneer!
Courses seeking its first players. Turn it Liberation Yellow!
You won’t be the first, but you won't be the last either.
Local resource available to answer questions, recommend courses and play.
Liberated courses with FlingSticks available on-site
Help us put your favorite places to play FlingGolf on our course locator map.